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I've done a few sketches like this before, with the whole G Gundam latex suit application thing. But even for that technology this looks a little tight. I had originally listed this as an "asfr peril" thing actually. It might be doing more than just applying latex onto Colette here... But I'll let you guys imagine whatever scenario you prefer.

Anyway guys, things are going okay over here. I'm stressing out a bit about moving. I always stress out about things scheduled in advance. Especially something as big as this. But overall I'd say I'm doing an okay job preparing.

I'm also gonna try and do some more commissions too. Small ones and big ones. I just completed a couple small ones tonight that I'm happy with. And that should help pay for trip expenses. On top of that, some people were really generous and donated to my Ko-fi account. It really helps!

And of course, I couldn't do it without you guys and the new patrons as well. Hope you're liking the feed.




Almost feels like it could be one of the scenarios from that multi-Colette peril commission from a while back.


Very nice! I have been watching G Gundam over the last few weeks, but I haven't reached the episode where the mechanic girl has to put on the Gundam suit, yet.