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Just a couple more sketches. I had a mini Predator movie marathon on in the background while I was working. I like the franchise, maybe more than I should. But frankly most of the movies are pretty good! Well, as long as you don't include Alien Vs Predator. But even then, there's some fun stuff to be hand. Something about these guys remains pretty compelling for fiction.

If you're wondering who the girl in the first pic is, that's Lieutenant Linn Kurosawa, and she's not in as much trouble as it might look. She comes from the Alien vs Predator arcade game from Capcom and kicks ass and fights Aliens with a katana and is not afraid of anything.

It's another week over, but it was kinda a rough one unexpectedly. I find myself being pulled in a lot of different directions so it's leaving my head in a weird space. Hopefully I can catch up on more work soon. But I still have to take my rest time seriously. If I just work straight through the weekend I could end up burning out.



Michael Campen

The new one on Hulu is actually really good.

Brian Kim

My favorite female game character after Chun Li!


I remember that game, quite enjoyed playing it


bubblgum girl vs predator


I wouldn’t mind seeing more art of your favourite movies, your style is always a treat!