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I'm pretty specific about tools, often going a long way out of my way to research things before settling down with any one thing. But I do buy brush packs now and then for digital software. And quite a few of them are absolutely fantastic! But switching to manga studio, I started really making my own. And when I really fall for a single tool, I tend to use it a lot and it influences a lot of my art afterwards.

I like the idea of letting the tools speak to you. Figuring out what they want to do and working within those boundaries is part of the fun. But then I also started getting interesting work out of crafting a couple tools myself.

I've often shared my tools with artists friends of mine, and usually people report good experiences with them. And I'm getting ready to share them with you guys too. And soon enough I'll probably sell them in a cheap pack over on gumroad. I hope people find them effective.




*gasp* I've been thinking of asking you about what you used for those pencil-like sketches but decided not to bother you but now it turns out you can read minds! : o Yay! Ps. please don't report me to the Thought Police D :