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So a friend of mine got me Dead or Alive 6 as a random gift to cheer me up. And I'm pretty happy about that. It also gave me an excuse to draw more of Lisa Hamilton, who I think is my favorite Dead or Alive girl. Not that she's a particularly amazing character or anything. But I like the idea of a scientist for a pretty evil organization moonlighting as a luchadora, having to keep the wrestling outfit ready to go in case a fight with ninjas breaks out at any time. Dead or Alive is a weird universe and it's best if you don't take it too seriously. I'm just thankful they brought Lisa back for 6 at all.

Hey folks, it's a little late in the month but I'm gonna update the dropbox link in a minute. So look forward to that soon. Thank you for your support!




I know I don't stick around DOA for the story, or the fighting games that much, but I can hefty agree that she's neat. Love how you did her up c: I'm always more particular towards white haired gals though, and Christie stole my 11 year old heart when I first saw her. Need to draw her up eventually =w=