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I'm going to need to reformat the patreon a bit. Just clarify things, make better promises. After two years having done this, I know a bit better what I can do and am wary about biting off more than I can chew. I've had a lot to think about. And I need to make this work better for you and for me, in order to make rent and have decent savings in the future when my hand eventually won't work so good.

A lot of these thoughts are coming up now, cause I'm worried, sad, and maybe a little scared. The news sure is scary these days.

And I'm thinking a lot about my poor cat, all the way back home. We're going to have to put her to sleep soon. But my dad is probably as indecisive about it as I am. We don't want to let her go, and I don't want her to die in some doctor's office.



Philip D Jones

You have fans like me and your other Patreon supporters. We love what you are doing - the art you produce. I am very sorry about your cat. I know how much one can love a pet. I have had to hold several beloved dogs as they passed from this life. I felt better by being there. When an animal's life is pain and suffering with no hope of regaining health, well, we have to love them enough to help them pass. I have never met you but I feel a certain love for you. You are a special person.


Man... Don't know what to write. Don't think there's really anything to write. Just take an imaginary hug and some well wishes from the other side of the globe! \o/


I was having the same problem last year. I over promised and under delivered. Felt awful because of it. I completely scrapped all of my additional tiers, and now, as I have more time, I'm starting to rebuild off of what I think I can do. The only problem was that in the restructuring, the amount I was making plummetted, but I think that's a small price to pay for integrity. As you restructure, your number may go down as well. I want you to know that I think you're a damn good artist, and that I know those numbers will go back up. Don't be scared. Things are gonna be alright.


There are ways to put your pet down at home that your vet could help you with! I had a friend do that for her service dog.