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Are the humans/reploids in Megaman ZX more human or robot at this point? Well... hopefully it's more robot, cause Aile's gonna need some repairs on that arm.

I got to chatting with some fans and stuff about cyborgs and robots and some of the things I don't really draw a lot of, but I am interested in drawing sometimes, are androids going through battle damage. I get to do it in Cassiopeia Quinn sometimes. But I don't really wanna over do it, even on Patreon. It's easy for that stuff to venture into people's discomfort zones. It's probably another one of those things I'll use little warning graphics on the top when I'm posting them.

Basically ya know... Ghost in the Shell/Battle Angel Alita style battle damage with cool robot girls sounds awesome sometimes. But some people might not think it's very awesome.




Her poor arm though


To answer your question, neither. The lines separating humans and reploids have become blurred that its hard to tell the difference between the two. Aile here is possibly a decedent of Master Albert and possibly Wily too. The way to tell the two apart is the orange triangle on their forehead. Though it should be noted that a human lady has a son with the triangle on his head but Advent has at lest two of biometal holders have faded marks implying they're crossbreed of some sort.

Alex B

It is but a scratch