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One of the problems we've been encountering with such a sprawling galaxy spanning storyline (with at least two distinct main character arcs) is having to reintroduce characters who haven't been seen much over the entire comic run. In the case of Russ, not at all for the entire past chapter. So it can limit the things you get to do with them.

Ideally, whenever you see them again, they're already in the midst of what they're supposed to be doing. And what they do is important enough to leave a memorable enough mark about who they are.

Frankly, Game of Thrones has a problem with that as a show! But they've generally made it a point that you get new information about them or they're important enough in their scene that you remember what their little contribution to the episode does. It must be a challenge for the writers having these isolated vignettes, but it's also pretty useful for modulating the emotion of an episode. You can move from one scene to the next depending on whether or not you've had a lot of depressing stuff or action heavy stuff or too much talking, and then swap.



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