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I got the thought in my head, as I was saving this file and giving it a filename, and I realized that I had already done several variations on the name "Peia Page Preview" in this folder. I have plenty of options of course. I could archive them or change their name. I could give them a proper naming convention with a number at the end.

Or I could just delete them.

These aren't rough drawings that'll go away forever, I still keep most of the rough layers intact inside the actual page file. These are just, more or less, screen caps of art in progress before I show it to you guys. There's utterly no reason to keep them in my records.

And then of course, I realize they are in my records. They're on this site, in some sorta blog/list/archive of creations. People could scroll down and see a whole bunch of them should they choose to. Maybe they're interested in the process. Or maybe they can glean something useful from what I choose to show here.

But are they even really worth anything as a record? Do they NEED to be preserved forever? Are they going to be preserved long after no one's even looking at them? This is kind of an endless philosophical question that one could just keep probing deeper and deeper into a distant future.

I should probably just clear out these screencaps.



Philip D Jones

That last panel. Wow! Piea is drawn so beautiful.


Super interesting! Don't delete things though... you never know when it might be cool to look back on them! :) Thanks for sharing!