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I had a lot of fun listening to an audiobook of I, Robot last month. It's really kinda fascinating to see a lot of the "cyberpunk" tropes of the modern day set up by a writer from the 1930s and 40s. And then for kicks, after finishing the book I went and watched I, Robot the movie with Will Smith. Not a very good movie but not an awful one. And the robot had a pretty cool aesthetic in it.

What was less cool about the I, Robot movie was reducing the character of Susan Calvin to your average supporting role for a female character in an action movie. Listening to the book, Susan Calvin is so interesting. She's like the world's premiere robot psychologist but essentially acts as the prototypical Blade Runner, working to uncover deviant robots. Listening to the book, you can see how I, Robot set the standard for a lot of fiction about humanoid robots for decades to come.


Looking back on September, it was a robot heavy month. But also it was kinda a slow month in terms of getting things done. I didn't get a lot of commission work in. And also I just defaulted to random drawings of robots. Which I enjoy, don't get me wrong. But it doesn't seem to bring in a lot of customers and some people don't get as much fun from it as I do. My time was also taken up by an unexpected trip and some levels of depressed moods. Maybe that leads to a fascination with robots and drones and stuff. Ah well.

Anyway, it's the end of the month and I want to thank you guys again for sticking with me.




....sounds like I need to commission some robot stuff. Actually, I have been wanting to commission something for awhile, but whenever I think about trying to describe what I want, I'm never sure what to say. A post of suggestions, tips, and any particular lingo or jargon for how to describe a commission well would be really useful, I think.


I, Robot is really good yeah. Asimov's Three Laws and Positronic Brains show up pretty much everywhere robots do. If you liked that one, you should definitely look into his other Robot stories.


At the start of October, I'll be opening up my commission sheet again. It should help walk you through the process of how to describe a commission.

BZArcher (Blind Zen Archer)

If you have never read it, I would suggest finding a copy of Harlan Ellison’s “I, Robot” movie script. It got published as an illustrated book a while ago but I’m not sure it’s still in print. It’s a much, much better treatment of Susan Calvin, and a fascinating plot!


I'll look into it but I may want to read it in conjunction with Foundation. But I admit, the writing is a liiiitttllle old fashioned for me which can make it a little hard to read. I can look for the audio books though.