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Psudonym's Commission Request Form 

Hey folks, last month went well so we're gonna open up the commission form again. Now, importantly, this is a NEW request form so you can (and are encouraged to) send your commission again if you still want one. However, I also have the submissions from August collected and saved. If one of those commissions still interest me, I may still contact you about it to see if you're still interested.

Some important by minor changes. I included a section about the rights included in the commission, and what you can do with the commission. I also adjusted a few prices. The cheapest sketch tier was raised in price by five dollars, while the favorite character discounts were shrunk a little.

Otherwise, the rules and the sheet are largely the same. You may refer to last month's post about the commission for some disclaimers but I think everything should be covered in the commission document as it is.

This form will be open from now until Midnight of September 6th-7th Eastern Standard Time. You may submit multiple times. You also now have the option to edit your submission for a short time. I would recommend you save a copy of your sheet BEFORE you hit submit, for your personal records.

Thanks for reading. Here's the link again, Psudonym's Commission Request Form 

PS: This post is going up in August, but only commissions submitted by those who are still Patrons in September will be chosen from. Thank you.


Psudonym Commission Request Form

COMMISSION REQUEST FORM FOR SEPTEMBER, 2021. If you wish to order a commission, please complete this form to the best of your ability. If your commission is selected, I will contact you and we can work out the details further. Disclaimers: Submission of this form does not guarantee a commission slot.





I hope this continues to be a thing while my disposable income recuperates from my recent return to playing MtG


Believe it or not, I'd been considering buying some packs. The Forgotten Realms setting is tempting.