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Psudonym's Commission Request Form 

This is a first time doing something like this, so please bear with me with any inconveniences or errors. I tried my best to make things as clear and easy as possible for both you and me. Anyway, this is how it'll go:

Only current patrons will be considered for commissions.

Please complete this form, if you have a commission you'd like me to consider. This form will be open for one week starting today. And it will be open the first week of every month, so if you don't make it this time, next month should be another chance.

Completing this form is NOT a guarantee of getting a commission. This form is to make it easy for me to see which commissions I can do, and want to do. My schedule between the webcomic, personal projects, and personal sketches, is often very loose which means my time for completing commissions is hard to predict. So instead of traditional commission slots, I'd like to see what commissions people want from me and then I'll pick ones that I know I can do and deliver in a reasonable amount of time.

If I think I can make time to do your commission, I'll contact you. Otherwise, I'll keep your commission in mind, and may even contact you later this month. For now you may submit multiple entries, but please one idea per entry.

Next month, I'll open the submission period again, and you'll be free to resubmit any old submission you had. I'll also try to prioritize patrons who haven't gotten a commission yet, but again it depends on availability. 

Aaaannnd... that should be about it. The form covers the rest of the process, including what I won't do and the current round's pricing. The final price is up for negotiation, but the base prices may change in future months. There are also bonus discounts for long time patrons.

So if you're still here after all this, please feel free to write down your request. This is not "first come, first serve," so please take your time. This form will be closed on the midnight of Aug 11th-12th eastern standard time.

Here's the link again, Psudonym's Commission Request Form


Psudonym Commission Request Form

COMMISSION REQUEST FORM FOR AUGUST, 2021. If you wish to order a commission, please complete this form to the best of your ability. If your commission is selected, I will contact you and we can work out the details further. Disclaimers: Submission of this form does not guarantee a commission slot.



cool cool cool :D

Space Robot

Good luck and try not to destroy your sanity here!




Sweet! I'll have to try and make up an updated ref of my wolf gal for next month c:


Sweet! Glad to see this open again~ I'll fill at least one out!


Ahh, temptations! So many ideas, too :D


I spent hours debating if I really wanted to throw in my idea before I realized I had at least one OC who'd look amazing in your style and went "FUCK IT!"