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Ack, I feel bad that I haven't made much progress on this set the last week. I think I got distracted by a combination of goo girl science and then latex punishments. But really, it's at that stage where it can get a little tiring to do. Especially if I'm going to line all the pages like this. I can't spend so much time being a perfectionist! That's what really kills the momentum and the drive to work on something.

However, even if I did pull out all stops to just keep making stuff faster, I don't think I'll make it by my ambitious goal of finishing this comic by the end of July. On Cassiopeia Quinn I still have a page to work on and the pinup. But it should still be good for an August release. I'll do my best!




The solution to ur dilema is introducing latex goo to safety girl :3

Stephen Mumford

I don't know why, but for some reason, i really like the design of that helmet. I don't even know if that's an actual hardhat design, or just something you made up, but either way, it's got a nice functional look to it.


Quite spunky for the trouble she is going to get in


I wanted her to be the kind of employee that genuinely comes in to work everyday with a smile. It kinda makes the whole story less depressing.