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There's something to be said about letting  your hands dictate what you draw. It's obvious, and often times can result in stuff that's more natural and fun and stronger than anything you could've thought of. But there's a real danger in just leaving your brain in the off position especially while designing. You can find yourself not thinking up new things you need to do, or avoiding the same thing you've been doing for years.

It's harder to recycle your own writing, you're pretty familiar with your own vocal thoughts so caching yourself repeating might be a smidge easier. When it comes to drawing some things, you're almost required to repeat certain aspects. Everyone tends to have the same number of bones and their arms tend to bend the same way as anyone else. It's tempting to just shut down for a bit, and make things to fill out spaces.  But approaching something with your brain turned off can lead to lots more repetition than you really wanted.



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