April Sketchbook Still Coming Out (Patreon)
I'm considering the format pretty carefully. Since I don't really wanna constrain any one image to certain dimensions I probably can't use a PDF format. Maybe I could make a PDF on the side so I can talk about the pieces and each one has a title. But along with the PDF, you get high resolution versions of each of the images.
I don't quite know whether to watermark them or not though. I usually shy away from watermarks but this might be a necessary thing since I'm planning on selling this sketchbook. And since there are a couple other artists involved, I'd like to give them credit where it's due.
You guys will absolutely get the pictures I've made in high resolution in the high res drop box. I'll probably put in the PDF as well. I would need to talk to the other people joining this little project about that though.
It's a lot of things to consider! And I'm just thinking out loud right now. I've gotta run unfortunately. See ya later.