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A friend of mine politely suggested that I wrap up a bunch of my OCs in christmas wrapping. And well... that sounded pretty fun. I mean... it might not be fun for Colette here when the batteries run out before the 25th...

ANYWAY, this was interesting because it was a new rendering challenge. Wrapping paper has this distinct waxy-ness to it that makes it shine in a specific way. And it has this way of bending well... like paper. So the way it would fold over a human would be different than other more common bondage-y things. It was important that the material looks right. Like you could hear the crinkling of the wrapper just by seeing it bend. But I also had to cheat a little otherwise you could lose all definition of the girl inside. If you actually wrap someone up in paper like this, they usually don't have such a sexy figure showing through. Finding the balance between the real world materials and the fantasy was a unique challenge which made this kink pic as fun for me as it is for Colette.




Asking out of curiosity: Do you know your underpinnings for a fetish like this? I (think I) understand what feeds some of my own fetishes, so I'm always curious what feeds fetishes/kinks I don't share. Extreme constraint like this (or petrification/carbonite) is one of those that fascinate me from an anthropological angle. Fetishes can just exist, of course. (And I don't expect wrapping paper would be hard to escape from, even accidentally~)


I like this! I also like the little extra detail you did, of having some of the paper folds taper to points to give it some texture, since paper isn't entirely smooth. And, of course the implication of bindings underneath the wrap too, cuz, that paper wrapping can't be too strong. Nice work, Psu!


Well, for me I enjoy the feeling of compression, though I'm more into a gentle sort than what my characters go through. I also enjoy the idea of "nothingness." But I wouldn't be able to specify exactly where it stems from.