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This was a picture that kinda got more ambitious as it went on. Or more likely, I didn't realize how ambitious it was until after I had gotten a sketch that I liked. So I'm there going, oh wouldn't it be fun to draw this girl underneath some water and in a bathtub. And that sounds great. But then I have to like... actually draw a bathtub from this angle, which I've never done before. But I was already liking it and I was committed to it.

Anyway, this is a birthday present for my friend CommanderRab, whose drawn a lot of nice things for me over the years and been nice to me. Their OC Kat is also fun to draw for the shenanigans she puts herself through.



Stephen Mumford

I quite like this! I always had a thing about the look of neoprene and wetsuit material, etc. It would be nice to see this colored at some point. In a related vein, it reminded me of Wossy's recent neoprene suit and the color/shading he uses: https://www.deviantart.com/wossarem/art/Four-Years-Textless-861094540


Dont drop that phone Kat! :O


Both a Kat and a Rab are very good indeed. :)


How is it my brain immediately went 'Now drop the gelatin in there'


Oh, geeze, this is unexpectedly hot.