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For the first time in a billion years, I'm ahead of the comic update schedule by ONE night. It's not much, and I doubt I'll keep it or get anything done. But it feels nice to not have a deadline looming over me for once. Even if the deadline has become a bit looser, every time I've missed it feels like a short jab in the ribs.

Not a related drawing, just a drawing of Motor Minx from the Cassiopeia comic, being a little more "exposed" than usual. Long time fans of mine might recognize some of the design sensibilities here and the littlest hints I've tried to leave in.



Space Robot

Oh wow, that looks pretty great. And grats on being ahead of schedule!


Your inclusion of Penny early on in the comics helped, too. Was happy to finally see min fight!


Good work! Been fun seeing her in the strip. :)

Sororitas Cupid

Your work is amazing. So glad I found this comic.