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So one of the things I've been mulling over is changing my patreon to have more of a pinup focus. It's one of the things people like here the most anyway. And it seems like a good way to attract a more dedicated audience. I can move comic production and story telling ideas back to the general public on tumblr, and keep a few exclusive items here or for a future Cassiopeia Quinn patreon that'll be run separately. There's a lot to mull over and I should decide before the end of the year. Thoughts?




Sounds like a rather promising idea - a good way to keep the communities nicely separate so people can find what they like where they like, and hopefully lets you feel better about what you're up to here too without adding pressure beyond some of the warm-up / silly fun! :)

Space Robot

Well, there's no real harm posting WIP comic stuff, Cass-related stuff, and so on to this Patreon too, at least until there's a a separate Cassiopeia one. You can never have too /much/ content available for folks to see! But yeah, I don't think anyone will be complaining about more pinups...


For what it's worth, I'm mainly supporting as a way to give back for Cassiopeia Quinn, so if you and Gunwild did start a Patreon for the comic, I would probably switch my pledge over to that one, so I can continue supporting you while accurately representing my reasons for supporting.


I feel like saying no to pinups would be like betraying my own soul...


It is certainly a way to attract an audience, though I admit to being more content with a variety of stuff. It's seems easy to pigeonhole oneself into just doing that, and though I enjoy it (aside from the heavy bondage stuff, which is isn't really my bag), it is a bit like having sugar for every meal. Granted, you should follow where your heart or other assorted organs take you, but I'd miss some of the goofiness that comes out of a lot of your warmups.

Secret Sketchbook

I think separating the two might be the best of ideas, before you really started focusing on the comic there was considerably more work submitted as a whole, but when you switch gears as it where it seem to dry up, now I know it takes more time for a page of a comic over a pinup but I have to say for a bit there it looked like it was either a comic page or nothing at all, which saddened me, I really do love you art.

Agustin Macias

I fine with pin-ups. If you need to create a second account for other stuff, I will support that too!


Sounds good if you want to do that Psu


Hm, that's a bit of a toughie, ain't it? I came here loving your artstyle and sense of humour wanting to throw that lil' bit of money to help you at least that tiny much with pushing your ideas forth into the world and I still see this patreon as a way to support things like Cassiopeia, a possible return of the Question Duck and other potential creations like Pretty Julie Technomancer or - oh man, what was the working title of that dark fantasy piece revolving around those arrows crafted from shards that you could get only from your dreams? Whoever doesn't remember that must think I'm speaking gibberish right now, but that just shows the unique nature of some of the ideas and that's what I like. But I'm rambling now. I'm just not sure what expectations a patron of the pin-up focused Psudo-patreon should have? And I just fear a little bit that people who would come here only for some tiddies could start pushing you into a different direction. That is not to say that I'm against pinups but you know, sexy stuff is easy to sell and since a pinup like that takes less time than some of the other cool things and even half-done is easy to be deemed finished, that might also be a factor for them scooping up more likes. Anyway that was a bit of a spurt of negativity wich I guess you might have enough already, sorry about that. In the end you should do whatever you feel like doing, forcing an artist into anything is just gonna be a disservice for both of the sides.


I suppose you should try with a separate account. That, or you go straight for a pin-up right away on this one. Making a second one would allow you to test the idea without your current one suffering any consequences (to which I mean beyond the work, the time, put into the second one), and if it'd be successful enough for you to support the comic without working yourself to death I'd say that's a win-ish situation with some extra work though. You might be able to try inspire ones here or on the pin-up account that "hey, I'm doing some work over here too, check it out" and possibly in the future "to support making my comics I'm doing this now, I'm closing this one so make sure you catch me on my other account [the one you choose to keep, or have solutions for on a per-work, weekly, or monhtly basis]". If you got a plan/layout for how you'd execute the idea I would be comfortable knowing that you'd be able to do it without putting too high of a demand on yourself that potentially backfires and takes more of a toll.


I say go for pinups on this account, and stick with Cass on the Tumblr. That way people who are following the comic already can go there to see updates and WIPs. This account would be perfect for people to transition into if they also love your style, and want to see more work from you.


I think people who like CQ stuff would appreciate it just as much on a dedicated Tumblr or just on the CQ site. meanwhile, speaking for myself, my fave thing you do is pipups and hotgirls, followed up by your more random sci-fi stuff and cyborg girls. I'm less interested in CQ fanart stuff because, well, I get all the CQ stuff I want when reading CQ. Meanwhile there's no one else who does Batgirls in latex or cute girls with cyborg arms.