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Hey all! Month Zero has come and gone! And for a first month, I feel pretty good! You guys are pretty rad for doing this. And I'd like to know what I could be doing more of to please ya! You are now my patrons after all and I'd like to treat you all right! The new link for the High Res Drop Box will be sent out after the payments go through. It's taking a while but it looks like each of the payments are staggered throughout the first couple days of the month. It was weird and caused some worry but it's no big issue. On the Quest Storyline, I'm going to continue with Test Quest for a little while, see if I can get up to speed with that. It should be much easier, now that I'll be focusing more time on drawing! And speaking of drawing more, it's been tricky with work days and general family days and friends days to get up and streaming as much as I'd like to. But a promise is a promise, and it's been something I'd been wanting to do anyway. Streaming will be as frequent as I can make it. I can't quite dedicate a couple afternoons to it just yet but I expect Wednesdays and Thursdays to be ideal candidates. At the very least you can expect me online at Picarto most every weeknight late on into the wee hours of the morning. Come on by if you haven't already! https://www.picarto.tv/live/channel.php?watch=psudonym We watch a bunch of shows while drawing and streaming in the evening, some good stuff some bad. Some Daily Show when it's on. The afternoons would be different though, a bit more work focused but I hope to be able to maintain a conversation with visitors. Otherwise what would be the point of joining a stream if you can't chat with the streamer? That's a bit of a long winded update. TL;DR Patreon's pretty awesome. A new link for the high res gallery will go out soon. More streaming and more Questing will be done because I promised and I want to. And keep an eye out for openings on the sketch commission tier!


Picarto.tv - psudonym's Channel


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