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I've gotta admit, I've been really kinda feeling the weight of all the outstanding commissions. I hadn't gotten any real work on them done this month. And I'd been really slacking on the updates. It's getting to the point where it's ruining my health, as much as my self esteem. And then there's a lot more to cover beyond that with seemingly never ending deadlines.

Thanks for your patience guys. I'm gonna clear things up soon. Short answer, expect this to be the last wave of "sketch commissions." I love working for you guys, but it came to a point where it was like having 12 different bosses you really wanted to please.




To be honest, this isn't a huge surprise, particularly with the second comic commitment, though it's a little sooner than I expected. I've always considered a bit of a luxury and a privilege to get to commission you regularly for roughly the past year, and you were more than generous in providing those opportunities even before I was an "official" supporter, and I'll always appreciate that. So though I'm obviously going to be sad to see it go, I understand why and just wanted to thank you for your hard work. You often went well above and beyond, and hopefully I can carry that example into my own creative endeavors.

Space Robot

Weelll... I'd be lying if I said I didn't hope for one more commission, just because I had a fun idea I was holding off on for October/Halloween. :P But my casual amusement totally isn't worth a lot of frustration and heartache on your end, and as an anxiety sort I can totally understand how having a backlog is absolutely disheartening. Objectively speaking you've definitely just not had enough time between working on the comic and other obligations, and while I never had any worry about getting a request done eventually it clearly wasn't a sustainable pace. So! Do what you need to. I'm still happy to watch the stream and read your comics and all.


Just make commissions $50+ already!


If money alone were the issue, that'd be a different story. I think if Psu does (presumably non-recurring) commissions again, the price should probably be around three times where it is now anyway. (And yeah, I didn't mention it, I'm not going anywhere.) The Patreon's probably overdue for a bit of a retooling anyway, just so it reflects what's actually going on these days.


I think that's totally fair. It's not fair to you to drown you in requests so often. It'll be nice to try something new and toss off that burden for at least the forseeable future. With Cass firign on all cylinders and everything else yet to come, all I can say is thanks for sticking with it as long as you have, and here's hoping you can have a lot more fun once the new order is settled!


I always wondered when this decision would come. You've been a champion for maintaining your various schedules for this long, and while I'm sorry the commissions are coming to an end, they're the least necessary additional weight on your workload. Time to let them go. Thanks for all your work!


Hi Psu, I hope you feel better. It sounds like you need a bit of a break. Let me know if there's anything I can do.