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I am totally exhausted and should sleep soon. I'll just say that Rumble Roses was a perfectly great guilty pleasure PS2 game and I have a bit of a crush on the adorable Reiko Hinomoto who tries really hard to be the best wrestler.

There's a bunch of kiiiinda sexy wrestling drawings in the dropbox already if you'd like to peruse them. I'm gonna post them in the feed soon enough this week. But first, sleep calls.




Reiko always was the best. Apart from the obvious fan service, I loved how over dramatic and ridiculous the voice acting and plot were. Felt like real American wrestling. God I need to do up some fan art for the game now.


There's a game for the memories. We love you, go to bed

Philip D Jones

I love it. She’s all shiny.

Devi Lacroix

And just when you are couldn't get better, you start doing more wrestling stuff!