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Morning folks. I did this a little while ago mostly as practice for drawing muscles. I find myself still guessing at a few too many spots. But I am much better than I was last year. I think I should go back into life drawing lessons this year. Hopefully they still have them in the city college. It's not likely I'll encounter a model that's as shrink wrapped with zero percent body fat as a superhero but it's important to draw from realistic people too!

This Cass is hyper exaggerated in a way you see reserved for the male superheroes wearing the spandex. I think however, modern hero comics are missing the boat. If you want to get new markets, just start drawing super buff sexy women. That is ABSOLUTELY an under served market, despite the superhero builds given to most women in hero comics. You're rarely given the chance to just appreciate it cause it can get inserted in the most awkward of ways.




This market is criminally underserved! Please, cater to our neeeeeds! <3

Tai Korczak

Jebus. It’s like being chiseled out of marble.


You could grind meat on those abs.

Michael Campen

Agreed. The world needs more rock-hard girl abs in comics, and on the silver screen.

Devi Lacroix

DEFINITELY here for this!