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So like... I started listening to The Adventure Zone podcast sometime in August last year. It's one of those Live Roleplaying Game podcast that starts with Dungeons and Dragons but branches out into other systems. This one's played by internet podcast celebrities The McElroy brothers and also their dad! It's a pretty unique combination of players already, and they're able to entertain just by shooting the shit with each other as family AND weaving a story together.

One player, Justin McElroy the oldest brother, just happens to hit it out of the park with fantastic characters to listen to. I've had to draw a bunch of them. People who follow my twitter might've seen me post these a few times. I think the McElroy's and the Adventure Zone is popular with the Tumblr crowd but my own presence there has been weak as of late.

An issue is, I'm not really known for drawing anything but pretty girls. I admit I hesitated posting this here because sometimes I feel like I gotta make sure I fill the quota of sexy drawings. I think as I'm experimenting a little more with my style and content, you're going to be seeing more variety from me. But with that said, there's still gonna be a ton of sexy cute girl posts. They're just too fun to draw. I just need to do other stuff from time to time and it'd be a shame if I didn't share them too.



Space Robot

More art = good, don't worry about the content so much.

Oren Barzilai

I'm sorry, since when does Tako not qualify as a pretty girl?!

Devi Lacroix

I am absolutely here for more TAZ art!

Philip D Jones

Forest ranger with sword. Mmmm.

Philip D Jones

I'm all in for more pretty girls.

Philip D Jones

Why is this character flipping a bird?


TAZ is wonderful and I think it's wonderful to see you posting other art. Don't get me wrong, I came for the pretty girls and Cassandra art but I've stayed because you're art is that good, regardless of character. <3


Heh, well Taako DID like... give up some of his beauty to save the day once... Though that just means he has to work at beauty a little more.