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You try to do the smart thing and skip till you see a proper name and look for a number associated with it that looks like a year or a death count or whatever. Too bad you're not much of a multi-tasker. That bit about getting ready for school sure could take some time... Previous post here: http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=291453 Note there are still unresolved commands, so if you do add a command now it "might" not go into effect. EDIT: Aww man, it isn't showing up properly as an animated gif. That puts a damper on things.




examine the rest of the room find backpack and search it for anymore clues


Nuts to that, you can read on the way. Get ready before your ride leaves!

Devin Hoffarth

Make sure to see if anyone else is in this place with you. If there are they might have some answers!