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I think I owe it to you guys to be a bit more honest and open with my general feelings. After all, I am in your employ and my offered services are yours by right so it might be a good idea to know the mental states I get myself into.

I can get weirdly nervous and anxious with more of these updates. Much more so than I need to be, there's this instinct I have where each update has to make up for the last one or the lack of ones. So the longer I go without one, the higher quality an actual post should be. But what I should really be doing is getting you guys the frequent updates that have been promised.

There are updates to the big patreon dropbox, which while the link hasn't been updated is still open and available all the time. But I don't do a great job of pointing out where the new updates are.

The comic still update but I'm pretty sure some of my patreon's aren't here for Cassiopeia pages they get free online.

In the end, I really get weirdly nervous. And if it piles up before I do anything about it, I spiral. And everything does seem to be piling up sometimes.




I can't speak for everyone here, but I think people are pretty chill about it as long as they know what's up? If big posts are troublesome, you could always try just doing little bumps when something gets added to the dropbox or some such? Iunno. You gotta do what works for you, but I don't think people are going to get judgey about it.


Hey, I'd just like to say that I get anxious too, and sometimes it really sucks when you have to create something. Especially when you are trying to create something. I want you to know that you really inspire me as an artist. Right now I am still struggling to hit the right quality and consistency, but every time I see one of your sketch pages I get excited and pumped up and want to draw more things. So please don't worry about the quality or quantity. I, for one, just love seeing what you are working on and how you are expressing your fun ideas.


Bunny! I think a lot of us are aware of how hard you work on Cassiopeia and that to a great extent that's taken the place of regular Patreon updates. I wouldn't worry about getting it perfect, I think we'd be happy enough to see a lot of the doodles, commissions, and in-progress stuff in its place as they come along, but I think it's a good place to toss up whatever you have cooking. I'm not too worried about "exclusivity" to the Patreon, and I see Cassopeia as part of what we support. Money makes things weird and definitely can build anxiety, but Patreon isn't a standard customer / service relationship, but something more like a fan club. What the Patreon represents and provides has definitely changed from its original conception, and that might be something to think about just updating or clarifying (if you ever have the time), but those of us on the stream get to see the proof of how much time and effort you put in. But what you bring here doesn't have to be refined or too formal. I think that kind of thing is best for the tumblr where you're trying to promote yourself a bit, here you should feel free to share lots of dorky, unfinished, or imperfect things. There's not a really politic way to say this other than to say we love your art, and are frankly, pretty easygoing about what gets posted here. It's great to see what comes out when you're really inspired, but you might want to just think of going very quick goofy or quick sketches for the Patreon instead of pressuring yourself too hard. tl;dr: Don't worry, be happy.


For the record, I am absolutely contributing here because of Cassiopeia Quinn. (Not entirely, but mostly.) I don't get annoyed at all if updates are rare here on Patreon.


That's a robit! And seriously, I can only echo what the others have said. At least you have no reason whatsoever to apologise/get nervous about me. I think everybody gets the feeling of stuff piling up sometimes.


I'm a patron so people like you can do what you enjoy, and I wouldn't be comfortable with you feeling that anxious and stressed out so each and every action you make feels like you're only pushing a boulder up-hill. You draw things that I like to see, and there's a talent in practice here that you possess that people like myself want to see more of. I might not remember all imagery that I ever come across so fondly so much that I will look back in time and think of it as a dear memory, but had I such a high standard without knowing myself any better I wouldn't be paying anyone anything for whatnow. What I'm doing is making a conscious choice in paying a small sum of money for an experience that I enjoy: pleasant visual input. This system is voluntary, you can't commit yourself to patreon and imagine you're on top of the world in paying some type of salary to someone and with that you may demand or feel entitled to great and amazing things beyond all reason. The premise is that you turn to patreon, as an artist, and in turn there are people who turn to you as patrons for the thing they see as valuable enough to donate their money to.


Cheers - I'm also here because of Cassiopeia Quinn; everything else is just an awesome bonus. Happy to support you making awesome art, with zero pressure. Your post reminds me of Winston Rowntree from Subnormality, who also often apologizes for late updates etc., and everyone is always like: it's cool! Because the art you both post is sheer amazingness, and so, how could any of us complain about when it comes in? Just, keep on doing your thing and all is well. :)


Whaaaa...nice character design! keep working hard Psudomyn!