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The picture of Maddy should still be around on the twitter

Maddy had the most work to do for any of the characters for this next chapter, which takes place just over a fancy casino. So we had some fun getting to come up with getups for each of the characters in Maddy's crew. Gunwild and I know each of them quite well, though their eccentricities haven't had the space to shine yet. But getting them out of uniform allows us to saw a couple things about them without having to spend too much time with dialog or long winded explanations. Plus it was just fun!

From left to right:

Russ over there still gets to be stark and clean and I figure a sharp white suit with a solid lapel and black turtleneck fits the bill.

Ison I was going over with a number of dress ideas but nothing really seemed to fit or compliment her in ways that were fun, but eventually giving up on the dress and then back to something like a fusion of modern hip looks and 80's lady just felt more right and peppier. But to be sure, I think I just saw Rhianna wearing something like that.

Theira I'm almost surprised how quickly I went with giving her either a classic gangster look or Scarface's getup. Either way it worked out fairly well, I almost gave her pinstripes but it would be almost too much in the way of accentuating her height.

Kettering I just kinda let my hand wander and figure it out as I went. I knew he'd be in a suit but the look of the suit figured itself out. There's actually something very OLD looking about his getup. If there were any fancy filligree or embroidery he'd be much more suited to the 1900s.

Farring on the right I admit I could still use some figuring out. I'm thinking suspenders are under that coat. And he might end up looking either like Capcom's Mayor Mike Haggar or Dudley the gentleman Boxer. Either is good by me.



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