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In celebration of Mad Max coming out, I remember very fondly some of my Fallout inspired fan comic and universe. I think there's still some potential in it but I never quite found the time or the story I wanted to do in it. Here's an instance where I have some characters I really like hanging out, but the narrative impetus for why we'd want to read about them wasn't quite there yet. But the aesthetic comes very naturally to me, the rust and wasteland stuff isn't what you find in a lot of my drawings or settings but I derive a lot of pleasure in sketching out these things on occasion. You'll find when I'm sad, my art can veer towards settings that reflect that. And it's a pretty good method for dealing with those feels. The Wasteland is practically a Jungian Archetype at this point. And there's something in there that's meaningful in a lot of cool ways that we haven't quite fully explored yet. With my Fallout storyline here, though I never quite found it, was always geared around the notions of growth and rejuvenation. It would've centered around succeeding in rebuilding a new home in the Wasteland. Ken, the kid in the picture, would grow along with that. But Chet, the Ghoul, would be unchanging. I likened it to say, a story of a Frontier town in the old west, but as the structure of the city grew and evolved, the gunslinger becomes an anachronism or a side show as civilization becomes more civilized. Except Chet doesn't grow old and die. He instead just sorta... goes away.




This is incredibly cool. I would love to play/see/make a game with this aesthetic.


I wish we had twelve of you, so we could put three on this project immediately.