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More anatomy sketches. I actually quite like these. The butts, of course look quite nice. But I'm getting more confident with how the back is supposed to work. Before I tended to guess as much as anything. These feel a little more closer to reality. And that gentle shading helps sell these sketches better. I'll need to figure out how to translate that into inking though.

Anyway, I had some thoughts yesterday about physical health. I had just done a bit more at home yoga, kinda risky! There's a high chance of really hurting myself if I don't do it right, or fall over myself trying something really hard. But it's been good to focus on my physical health. This isn't just a new years resolution, but something I'd been working on since around September.

It actually inspired some ideas for a comic. I tweeted about it here, and you can find it in this twitter thread. https://twitter.com/psuedofolio/status/1081988848090005504 

Don't follow the rest of the twitter though, it's sometimes silly and has lots of retweeted screaming.




I love butts. Put that on my tombstone.

Mr Lit

The grimoire of glutes!