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I really want to be home drawing but here I am complaining about being in a really cool place. Thanks for bearing with me folks. Internet as it has been the last few locations I stayed at, oddly this isolated island has been my best connection to the outside world. Unfortunately I didn't have all my tools with me, nor do I have real time to myself to draw and make posts. I did have this half hour though, so I'm trying to make the most of it.



Philip D Jones

Yes, hard to make out but worth the effort. Quite beautiful indeed.

Philip D Jones

I’m being nosy. You have played your location very close to the chest. You mention “island” and the picture shows a nice sandy beach. You mentioned a long plane ride so I have to think somewhere in the Pacific. You have not mentioned bad weather so I don’t think it is Hawaii. Tahiti? Fiji? Australia? I know you are warm, but am I?

Buck Caldwell

OK, that one definitely needs a redraw once you're home.


Let's not play Guess Where Psu Is, it's not a fun game.


Heh, it’s an island nation. I can say that much. I’ll probably tell ya if you ask in the private messages but for the most part I enjoy the enigmatic nature of these posts.