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Yeah... those are a little too big.

I'm sorry I haven't posted new sketches in a while. It's been a combination of factors really. I got into a bad shape sometime last week. And as a way of kinda coping, I got into really self indulgent dumb kink sketches. And I'm ALWAYS a little concerned when I post those. So those factors together conspired to make me worried about posting what I've been drawing recently.

And then there's the fact that I'm always nervous to open up patreon especially after a disappearance. I'm worried I've lost everyone in the absence. So I'm glad you guys are still here!




Still cute - and always happy to support the Psu!

Mr Lit

You're not drawing anything illegal. I wouldn't sweat it too much.


They all make for great expression practice (frustration, exhaustion, etc) if you needed a professional reason to do something fun like this.

Mason Dunne

*dumb comment time* Big booben!


I love it, personally!