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Just some sexy posing for the Handsy characters.

These two are pretty fun and have very different body types so hopefully that makes them even more fun to draw together. If that ever pops up in the story.

So I asked about and the Slipshine deal would be a good one. They publish the pages online but I keep the rights to everything. It could even be printed on my own and sold so... who knows. Maybe that can be a special kickstarter thing someday. Printing books and shipping them is expensive!

I could even make a separate comic staring all the characters and post them elsewhere. The online exclusivity only extends to comic pages that Slipshine would pay for.




I've certainly seen comic creators run stories/slice of life stuff on their own and then set up the more adult portions on slipshine

Mr Lit

I'm seeing a contraction here: You get to retain full rights (implying you can post them anywhere you want), but they keep exclusivity to the same pages you own said rights over? Does that simply refer to printed books or e-books?


My take was that they just couldn't be posted anywhere else online, but other media is okay.