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Okay, so a couple things.

I feel like I can say I'm on a better track mental health wise. I'm still spooked by things but as long as I'm working and exercising and just doing things every now and then including getting to watch a show here and there, I'm feeling better. Just... doing stuff. Even unimportant stuff makes me feel better than when I'm just doing nothing.

One benefit of doing more stuff, is that work sometimes falls in my lap.

I've been chatting with the people at Slipshine and there's a pretty high chance of "Handsy" over here getting a Slipshine comic. Now this is a neat job and I always pictured her as a character for an adult comic. But this does mean that Slipshine will own the pages. I can't share those finished pages myself.

I can share artwork and some production stuff so I hope to keep you guys in the loop. I believe they wouldn't own the character either, so I'm betting I'll be able to do some pinups just for my patrons.




Good for you, and congrats on getting a slipshine comic, Psu! I hope this upward spiral keeps going!


Wonderful to hear, buddy! :D Both about having your health affairs in order, and the slipshine offer. c:

Mr Lit

Kind of a shame you couldn't share your own strip on here. Surely you'd own the copyright of the work?


Not if the work for Slipshine is a work-for-hire (and the contract was written accordingly)

Philip D Jones

If you need a lawyer to review an employment contract (and it sounds like you do) don’t take the job. Some employers want to own all the intellectual property you produce while in their employ. This is slavery. Your employment contact should specify you own any characters you create. The only thing the employer owns is the work they paid you to do. This needs to be spelled out clearly in writing and signed by a company rep. Verbal promises are worthless.

Mr Lit

Like Phillip said above, be very careful about signing off on things like this in case slipshine puts in some clause to own everything you draw and prevent you cancelling the contract. Be very careful. That said Psu, if you do other adult comics outside of handsy we'd all love to see them posted here. And hopefully the pinups of the character would be in keeping with the tone of the slipshine pages.


Slipshine is reputable and I've been working with the same guys for years now. They're technically the same company that runs Hiveworks for Cassiopeia Quinn which we own the rights to the story while they publish online. I'm expecting the same, though for now discussions are informal and no real work has started.