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There's a number of nice new pieces in and around the place. But what I really should be doing is organizing them into date modified. I'm still hoping Dropbox has a method to let people view it that way, when looking from an external link but there's no knowing if that's even their plan. So it's up to me! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it. And all my new patrons, you'll be getting yet another message from me very soon. Here's that link again! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lfz6rs9a06okfev/AABvKEYBydfv-KJBQ4apD4THa?dl=0


Patreon Box March

Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!


Matej 'Retro' Jan

Yeah, just get it organized into months, so we can easily check out just the updates, for us old patrons. :)

Matej 'Retro' Jan

Btw, how's SB4 coming along? The additions to Mature folder are also always appreciated. ^_^