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A late post today but I've been very slow this past week. Just very sluggish and everything. Trying to get work done but I find myself sleeping into very late hours and it's kinda doing a number on me. I just physically miss daylight!

Anyway, this is a rough character design for Pretty Julie Technomancer. I'd always wanted that story to have it's own "Queen Beryl" type villain and this person could be it. I'm not going to get into the weeds of detailing her story just now as it's all subject to change but I liked the drawing enough to share. Obviously she looks a lot nicer than Queen Beryl but as my friend and ludicrous kink master Suichi Tanaka puts it, "It looks like she owns a number of riding crops."

I can't see myself ever taking the Pretty Julie characters into an adult direction but if people find the characters pretty or even sexy then more power to them.



Buck Caldwell

I'm... at a loss for words. I want to woo her. Be her Gomez Adams. Although no doubt there is a line forming already.


Nice outfit!


hmmm... I like it, but I can't help feeling that adding a belt or sash or something would look even better.


That really does look like a cool riding outfit. Or a riding outfit that's been turned into supervillain togs. :)