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I was looking for some ideas for a Cassandra drawing and I combined a couple that people gave me. High res in the dropbox. Last month's link is still relevant this month but I'll update it when there's a little more content in there.

This was just a quick piece, again emphasizing exaggeration in the anatomy. There's clearly a focus on the butt as people requested and I was willing to oblige. It would take some doing to get this kinda art to a professional level but it shouldn't be totally impossible.

Anyway, I've got a lot of practice to do and I really want to be able to draw this character officially someday. I might need to lay off on the butt shots though.




Rad drawing. Is that a friend of Deathstroke's?


Eh when the character has a great ass flaunt it. I'd say if your the artist use that character trait to your advantage. If not, well then use what the character has. That cape? Use it to block it. Or angle the sword so it's blocking it. Sides I'm just pondering how she got the cut on her cheek. Then just imagine the fight she was having with Rose. Probably Rose used her sword to cut the belt from her hence the scratch. Rose was methodical. The entire fight between them was insanely brutal and quick. But... here's the finale with a victor much to Rose's hardfought dismay.


To be fair to Rose, I imagine it closer to a draw than it looks. She's down but it isn't a pin and should they choose to keep fighting she could take advantage of Cass attempting to leave the fight due to the fire hazard.


I'm still sad they didn't interact more in the comics, especially once Rose was doing Titan-related stuff and Cass was coming into her own more. I think they really could have hit it off, or maybe hit each other. Probably a little bit of both to be honest. >:p


McKeever wanted to do exactly that, but DC kind told him she was off limits given someone else was using Cass at that time (Beechen). Which surprised him given he didn't know Rose was going to show up in Vol. 2, until after it was in the can.