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High res in the dropbox.

Sorry for disappearing guys. I had a really rough case of the sads.

Satellite9 was talking to me about how much she's been enjoying the old Witchblade anime that came out some years back. I actually remember liking it too but I never finished it. This was when "mature" anime was still a thing you were lucky to catch on tv so I was never able to make sure I saw all the episodes. There are some questionable design choices but the main character was very appealing.

But I don't mean just her physical traits. She was a pretty kind and loveable character going through a lot of troubling and dangerous times. It's rare to see a single mom be a hero in ANY form of media. That she's very sexualized probably keeps her from being celebrated more often as a female role model. That's fair, of course. But maybe that's it's own shame. What's wrong with a single mom being very sexy hero in media?




Quite enjoyed that anime. I think Funimation has the rights to it


Psu you never have to apologize to us. Given how much you've done this month and it's the holiday season. Don't worry. We never mind. And if you ever need something to help you get over the case of the sads that's what we're here for. To lift you up. :)

Mr Lit

Nothing wrong with a yummy mummy in my book.