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Hey everyone, this is kinda short notice but I'd been talking about this for a while now and speaking with a few people about it over the stream. It's going to be time to make a change to the Sketch Commissions listings. The first change, and one you can do right now, is that the Sketch Commission Tier price has dropped to 15 USD. Anyone who'd like to reduce their pledge to that amount, will still get their sketch commission next month. You don't have to do anything, the next month excepting that it will be cheaper, you will still receive your February sketch. Any long outstanding sketches, I will still complete for you of course. It just may take some time. The second change, to make up for the price drop is that you will only be receiving one sketch every two months. In essence, I am splitting the total pledge to get a sketch into two. I was looking to raise the total pledge price to 30 dollars usd but that didn't solve one of the more unlikely problems. Fans are holding onto their sketch commission slots dearly! The third change is that I will be increasing the total number of sketch commission slots from 8 to 12. In an effort to allow different people to get sketch commissions throughout the months, raising the number of slots available should help. Frankly, I'm happy you guys are sticking around but I would like to help other fans as well. I don't want to go around doing a random number generator or arbitrarily picking my favorite commission as that would be unfair in the long run. The best chance other fans will have is if I open new slots. And two, to open up more free time for on the spot commissions as well as boosted sketch commissions. The new slots will open at around midnight eastern standard time tonight. There's a good chance they will be picked up very shortly afterwards. But even if you don't, I'm scheduling extra space so that people can ask me for commissions again. In the long run, I may consider asking more fans to cycle out so that a new fans with guaranteed sketches take their place. If new fans don't get there chance at all for long periods of time, I may consider abandoning guaranteed sketches entirely but allowing for benefits to patrons.




Fully understood - hopefully the new plan can make things a lot easier to cycle around!


To be sure, I think I can expect you won't be dropping your commission slot :P


The way you handle this is among the smartest ways to do it, I think. It also has the benefit to give a lil' extra to people who spread their patronage among several artists, rather than to give more to a fewer number of artists, and usually don't benefit from the "fancier" rewards!


Hmm, maybe its time to move off of Mt. Olympus soon.

Michael Brewer

Just so I'm clear, do you need to hold on to the sketch thing for two months to get a sketch? Or is it that if you get a sketch in a given month, you can't get one next month, even if you keep the slot?


Yes, you'll need to hold onto it for a while unless you've been in the sketch commission program already. The idea is to make the sketches a bi monthly thing. If you are owed a sketch, you should still get it. Please pester me about it when needed.


On another note, who's the sketch of? I don't recognize her.