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It's still rough, I'm hoping to finish this sometime. I usually don't do composition like this, where there's no real space to deal with. But I think I succeeded this time in giving all the different figures their own prominence and some amount of storytelling. There isn't a LOT of story telling here but getting each of them to be doing something different "enough" was part of the fun.



Philip D Jones

So this is like, bad-ass bat? What’s the deal with bat-people anyway? Real bats are tiny little creatures, kind of like mice with wings. (“Flutter-mouse”in German) They fly about at dusk eating mosquitoes and gnats. They turn a summer evening from a miserable experience into a very pleasant time. And they fill their little bellys doing it. Bats, spiders, ants and earthworms are our best friends in nature.

Brian Kim

Excellent composition, I hope you will create more finished version of it.

Philip D Jones

Sorry for the rant. Don’t know what started that. Art is great. Thank you for it.