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I'm not gonna talk about that doodle up above. Instead I'm gonna talk about cooking. In particular cooking Chicken Wings.

I've actually gone a LONG way trying to perfect a method of cooking chicken wings that suits my fancy. I've tried loads of different tools too. I've tried a regular fryer. I've tried cast iron skillets. I've tried oven baked. I've tried AIR fryer. I've even tried Sous Vide. And ya know... they all come out about the same. They're all crispy and tasty but juuuuust slightly less juicy than I want them too.

It's been tricky trying to get the following three elements to balance out. First off, the wings have to be done. Rare Chicken is not a thing you should be serving anyone. Two, the wings have to have a satisfying crispy surface. Even when slathered in a sauce of your design, it should retain a noticeable crispy crackle to the skin. Three, and this is the part I don't really get, they should still be juicy.

I'm starting to think it's not the methodologies I'm using that are wrong but just the chicken themselves. While I can try to perfect the timing a little better, wings vary a lot in size. They may even vary a lot in moisture.

I think at some point I'm going to try a brined wing combined with the Air Fryer. I imagine I'll have to dry them out beforehand. (wet surface during cooking doesn't like to crisp up easily) But maybe I'll just have to live with 80% good enough wings. Getting to that 100% good wings I imagine is going to be about getting better at timing the cooking period more than any fancy schmancy tools I can get.




dem hips~! uh... I mean, dem drum sticks!