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Followers of mine and friend Satellite9 will probably have seen this pic already. If not you can catch the finished version of it here, http://www.magicalgirlneil.com/comic/wappo-png/ which was colored in by another friend, Brellom.

Sorry I don't have a newer pic to start the month on but I also thought the inking on this looked fun to share. You may have seen "inktober" going around but I usually don't participate. I personally don't want to add to the stress. It's like asking someone who's bored walking everyday to work to take up jogging for a month. It's not that BAD an idea but it's one that they probably don't want.

Anyway,  thanks for stickin around for another month! 

What I do want to be doing is drawing more monsters. And probably more Monster Girl Colette. That was really fun last year but expect things to get totally more spooky/kinky. Which, ya know... hopefully you're into.



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