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This isn't really an insightful post or anything but I should definitely use my ability to draw different faces more often. I have a style and that style lends itself to a very particular version of my character's faces. But when I do exaggerate or work on different features in quick sketches, it always works out well. And they still have some of that basic appeal faces like my "colette face" have.

The trouble tends to come when I clearly don't REMEMBER what my character's faces are supposed to look like or how they're different. You can chalk that up to laziness on my part.




Just my opinion, but I think you could probably easily also experiment with more cartoon-y and exaggerated styles. I feel like the guys above differentiate themselves mainly by becoming more detailed/realistic. But you could also go in a completely different direction, e.g. towards the style of The Simpsons or Peanuts or whatever. Anyway, these guys are great!

Mr Lit

If you've read Neuromancer, the top left guy looks a lot like how I envision Peter Riviera.