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No high res of this one yet. Speaking of high res stuff, I'm going to need to update the folder link soon. I'll likely do that in the early AMs this morning.

You might recognize this sketch if you've browsed the high res galleries. I always liked it cause it was an over exaggerated pose and it was a lot less "dull" than a standard pinup thing but not so outright awkward as any bdsm stuff. But one of the things you might have noticed in the sketch, it was one of the ones where Colette clearly had cybernetic hands. Either they're prosthetic or she's a cyborg in these images, it's not exactly something I care to clear up. Basically sometimes I draw her like a normal human, sometimes I draw her as a robot. It's usually whatever's fun for me at the time.

This is a bit of battle damage to help "explain" the over extended leg. And it looks pretty "ouchie." I'm not sure whether I would call it subtle or too much. I think a lot of it is sold in the expression too, like it's not quite a life threatening injury. But it's definitely a big boo boo taken from some action scene I haven't drawn yet.

I'm not finished with it. I've got a few too many things to do today to work on it more. But I think I'm going to fully ink and color this one.

Unrelated notes, other Patrons may have noticed that the pictures on my front page aren't loading up. I guess that's even more reason for me to fix up the whole front page of my patreon. And I should be more open about filling this blog up with wierdo pinups.




eh, cyborg contortionist ;p also visiually leg looks fine in this type of image. exaggeration is fun sometimes~!