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Still on my trip! Probably! I'll have posts scheduled up to around tuesday.

Here I've continued this little scrum. It's hard to come up with a way to come back after a total domination in the opening gambit but I thought Cassandra might try something simple. Something less elegant but probably picked up from a Robin or two and going for a body "tackle."

The attempt is a little tricky to avoid but considering her lack of energy at the moment, it wouldn't really be effective against Shiva who could quickly strike back or even punish a move like that severely. So the game here wasn't so much to really tackle Shiva, but using her to shove herself into a better position for a surprise sweep.

I'm not quite sure how this fight would continue and I don't have any more pages for it yet. But following this, Cassandra would still be at a disadvantage. Landing on her back would probably exacerbate the injury she suffered from the earlier blows. It's probably a broken rib and even a broken collar bone.

Fighting against Shiva is mostly a losing proposition. But if anyone could turn it around...




psh, when have invisible-to-the-naked-eye injuries ever stopped anyone in comics?