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Just a couple of sketches. I wanted to post this pic because I really like the expression on Suzie and the other girl here.

That's Lacey who's supposed to be in Pretty Julie Technomancer, whenever that becomes a thing.

So hey, I used to fill these update posts with lots of details on my life. I haven't done a lot of that with these newer ones because I'm writing a lot of these ahead of time. I queue up about 5 new posts in one sitting. It actually takes a huge load off my mind if I manage to get a bunch of these set to go over the next few days.

I used to worry a lot about whether or not a post is good enough to post. And in the end I'd end up posting nothing. Which was a real shame, as there had been a lot of times when just getting a few responses would've been a real pick me up.

On the other hand, writing all these ahead of time means that I don't get to write what's on my mind THAT day. So instead you have me talking out loud about things I'm thinking up right now. By right now I specifically mean July 11th at 6 AM est. Amazon Prime day!

I keep hoping to find a cheap roomba or a fit bit but that never seems to happen...




Got to like these contractor types. Especially when they can make whatever silly contraptions one might need! :P


FWIW the new pace is very noticeable to me and I like both the drawings and the texts.