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Just a quick sketch. (heh) I believe there was reference used here.

It's obviously not a completed drawing but I liked the motion a lot. I don't draw a lot of characters in motion. In fact if you looked at my various kinks, you could say I'm very interested in characters NOT in motion. But I like the forward dash here. The exaggeration isn't perfect. Her back leg feels wrong. It's not done either but it doesn't quite feel right. I'm thinking that's a fault of the cropping on the image...

Because the bottom of the page is so close to her feet, there isn't enough room. That long of a leg outstretched that way would launch her just further off the ground than what's in the paper's space. I could have tried to fix that before posting but I think it's more interesting if I described the thought process to you guys.

The character is one of Aideneke's. An old friend at this point, and a long time commissioner. You may recognize her in a bunch of my pics. But sometimes when I don't color in her hair, she kinda looks like my Harley Quinn...




Pssh, a JoBeth is always Jo, as she has the little hair tie beads! :P She is always a welcome sight in your care, and I love the flow and action of the loose sketchiness. :)