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I've been thinking a lot about the kind of story I want to tell with Julie and I find myself both excited and interested in doing a "Monster of the Week" structure but it's not one that lends itself to webcomics very well. The over arching format is too slow, revelations too few when you're dealing with a new baddie every time. The general plot outline I have in my mind would fit it, but the relatively glacial pace of web comics makes it unlikely to succeed. In the meanwhile, I can play with style a lot.



King Parker

I hear you. I would never try to influence your writing but there's many types of ways to tell a story in this format. I would look at it like a TV series. It can be episodic, like a "Monster of The Week" as you described where the protagonists hunt and kill a different baddie every week and get a sort of "amnesia" every comic as they fight these baddies. Or, do what has been popular in recent years is to tell a more "serialized" story....think of shows like Lost or Heroes, wheres its just one main arc, and revelations are brought every week keeping the viewer on its toes. One series that I can remember that did a nice mix of this was the Ghost I The Shell Stand Alone Complex TV series. In which they had an overall main arc, and would string them together, dubbing it the "Complex episodes" and then have a type of "Villain of the week" episode throw in about every 3 or 4 episodes called "Stand alone episodes" Or better yet, think of something like Ninja Turtles of Power Rangers, where the series had one main bad guy (Shredder/Rita Repulsa) and then as they pursued said villain, would occasionally run into a villain they would have to dispose of while getting closer to the main villain and have a big revelation come about toward the season finale. Again, just some ideas from a wannabe writer that admires talented artists like yourself.

King Parker

Love the sketch here btw, love this character design :)


This is a really late response, sorry just really noticed this comment. Anyway, there is kinda a small problem with portioning out major story revelations in between event of the week type stuff with webcomics in that the structure and process of reading them is so much more drawn out. You can expect what would be 30 minutes of story to be extended across maybe 5 months time! This makes story telling pretty tricky as it poses new challenges to get readers to still read!