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"Honestly, Nate, I'm happy for you. When we heard you came back after your injuries, the team thought you were nuts. I'm glad they found a place you could still help."
"Yessh, he's a real big help."

Rook and, let's call him Winslow, are two fellow former field agents in the larger organization that houses the SAFE department. Rook's the big lady from before. Winslow's one of the many sketches of random potential agents and characters to fill out this universe. I think he's quiet, quieter than Nate even. He's always the designated driver and not terribly interested in drinking. He just seems to be happy by himself, busily fiddling with things with his hands.





Griffin Hawk

Winslow's hands stay busy because he's not always in control of them; sometimes they are controlled by that thing, that OTHER THING has nested beside his soul, taken root within the darkest subconscious portions of his mind where it cannot be found but he KNOWS it's there, EVERYONE knows IT'S THERE, they just wont SAY anything because to speak of it, to acknowledge it is to welcome it, give it SOMETHING, allow it to grow, birth itself fully into our reality where it may run free to do as it may PLEASE unseen by any mortal EYE satisfying some unknowable alien NEED as all remain HELPless under its thrall thinking they are FREE. . . fre. . . fr. . . origami dog!