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They're escaping!

I got the idea for this painting yesterday and decided to work until it was done! I've been feeling really stuck with rendering illustrations lately, so this was a nice no-pressure way to get back in the painting groove.

The process for this one was pretty straightforward! I went right to painting from the rough sketch. The last image in this album shows my layer structure-- there really weren't that many! To rely more on my color instincts, I didn't use any layer effects or masks-- all the painting layers are set to Normal.

I'm sorry I didn't take more WIP shots while I was painting the wood-- I got so into it that I forgot to stop and take screencaps! I love painting wood.

The fish and plants also aren't a particular species; they're a romanticized blend of the fish and plants on some antique plates I found to use as reference material, visible in some of the process images. Other images show my reference images for the lighting/mood and the dark, smooth wood grain.






I have some old fish plates that were Storer.... I'll take some photos and send them to you!


Catie, Stunning! I'd love one with a lighter background for the wall in my FL house. Can I commission you to do that?


such a cool concept and execution. i think anybody who’s looked at china for extended periods has almost wished the patterns would come to life or move. this definitely wouldve livened up visiting my grandma!