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I'll start with the good news and an update on AI Voice Synthesis or TTS(Text-to-Speech). The good news is I've found a solution. I've found a way to train my own voice models and use them with RVC which yields adequate results. I've also discovered out of all the online browser solutions for voice synthesis the only one that works for me is play.ht. Eleven labs doesn't allow copyrighted audio and even though this is a parody non-profit (soon open sourced) project that wouldn't matter with their TOS. play.ht has a very generous free monthly use cap and even though their paid tiers are a bit pricey if it comes to the point that I have to pay for a membership it should be worth it.

In other news. The bad news. Some of you might have heard about the Unity fiasco and if you haven't well it's not pretty. CEO John Riccitiello has single handedly crashed Unity's stock price and killed it's future. Greed is a pathetic and an irrational emotion. The guy is like 65 and still chasing after money what a depressing life he must live and he deserves to live a depressing life.   My game is made in Unity and although I hope they undo their mistake and they most likely will unless they're retards and just watch Unity burn. I'll have to transfer over to Godot or Unreal Engine. Unreal Engine isn't really meant for the type of game I'm making because I heavily rely on Spine Pro Runtimes and the Unreal Engine Runtime might not be capable last time I checked but I'll research a bit more and figure it out.


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