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Feel free to enjoy (my side of) the recording from tonight's live event. 

  • We talked about silly and naughty things. 
  • We took a porn quiz together.
  • I was embarrassed a number of times
  • I laughed a lot (I may have even laugh-snorted once too 🤦‍♀️🤪) 

You'll have to ignore my phone going off in the background once or twice.
I cleaned up the background noise, removed a lot of "dead air" (which was really just the voices of the other participants replying or asking questions) and edited a few bits to make things easier to follow. But for the most part, I left in all that we discussed.

If you have your own suggestions for audios or comments on anything discussed feel free to leave a comment on this post or send me a message.

Lastly, if you're curious about the link for the quiz we took, you can find it HERE.

~Lacey  💋



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